Peretz Isaac's Blog
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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hey guys!!! been some time since i blog... been really really busy... exams, projects, leading the people... whew... but i can still manage everything very well... anyway jus talk to ah tong and chin... uber long since i last talk to them... haha.... and now ah tong so in style... haha :P...

Anyway... today offline service was awesome man!!! love the vid :)... haha... recently jus realised that the vision that God gave me is begining to make sense le... awesome... and also i'm beggining to have the gift of prophesy.... that is so cool... thank you God!!!!...

Okay... guess i'll stop here turining in soon... bye bye

Peretz Isaac

12:30 AM

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

4 months of not blogging... MAN!!! tonnns of things have past.... good things and bad things.... i'll start with the bad things...

Firstly my phone line was cut T.T... Dad cut my line y??? standard ans... it happens to everyone kay??? so do you still have to cut my line??? Secondly, exams are round the corner, worst still i haven't touched on my theory book man!!! need to buck up man... jus realised that i cannot study at home too much interference.... PERETZ ISAAC YOU NEED TO FIND A PLACE TO STUDY ALONE.... Lastly i am seriously in need of cash dad stop giving me cash cos i'm a christian now.... dun really know why he took actions until now??? anyway i really need to find a job asap or i'll be eating air from now on....

feeling depressed???? well wait till you hear the good news :)....

Good news #1... i am getting my phone line on thurs but most likely a pre-paid card sadly i dun get a new phone :(... #2... i am now a CL... really am glad that i'm in the leadership ministry but that also means i have bigger responsibilities and etc.. so glad that i have Kelvin, James and Jing Min helping me to take care of the cg really thank God for you guys :)....

well guess i better stop here le tml still got schl dun wanna have panda eyes tml....

Peretz Isaac

12:01 AM