Peretz Isaac's Blog
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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Life as usual nothing new.... other than Christmas eve... Prepare cards for my Church mates didn't really wrote to all my friends as there too many people and too little time... anyways Christmas service rox.... love the drama and the teaching so cool.... anyway after that head down to Kenneth's house for Christmas party yay!!! had fun hosting the game and the food was not too bad... love the gift exchange part and also the caroling.....

Anyway some of the people went home while the others decided to stay for the night.... managed to persuade my mum into letting me... whew... if not i dunno how am i suppose to get home in time...
By dawn all of us were really shag as we did not sleep a wink... we left Kenneth house at around 6am and i decided to take 67 instead of taking a train home (worse decision I've ever made) took me an hour an a half to reach Tampines inter and took me another 20min to get home... was really shag to the core that after my bath and opening the present that my cousin gave me from her trip to shanghai i went straight to bed....
(really like the gift she gave me =])

Speaking of bed... i can hear my bed calling out to me already... well got to go to bed it's 2.52am.... way past my bedtime le.....

2:36 AM

Thursday, December 17, 2009

It has been some time since I've updated my blog..... everyone has been very busy this few weeks and i believe more weeks to come.... most of them are busy with work, some are busy preparing for the Christmas party and so on..... I've got a few good news =]

1. My mum is finally coming for service..... YAY!!!! and what's more she's bringing my sis down also, hope that my sis isn't too afraid of the loud music =D

2. After tomorrow i can finally officially declare my holiday... hope that i dun get call back to school again i very very very tired running here and there.

3. I'm finally in singers ministry.... well not really i'm still under 3 months probation really hope that i can be a permanent singer..... never really thought i could went into singers as i dun have much/any singing background.....

I really have to thank God for blessing me with all this.. without God i wouldn't be able to accomplish any of this=]

2:13 AM

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I have finally entire into the time of holidays.... =D looking back for the past 1 year tonnes of things have pass... i left Chai Chee for almost a year really misses all my high school frens wonder how are they doing??? entered into ITE got into the course that i love and like even though i get too stressed out and fed up with my group members, but all in all they're a bunch of funny and crazy people.... as for church i left youth and join DI.. wasn't really comfortable at first but managed to settle down. really am glad that i'm having such great people around me=]...

This entire year i can see how God grow me.... from a irresponsible guy to someone who is willing to take roles during CG and even in school projects and so on... i'm not saying that i'm great or what... but i do see a bit of improvement from myself and i will continue to keep it up=]... and not only that i can also see that my curfew timing are extending...

Anyway i wanna thank all brothers and sisters in Christ for showing me concern when my portfolio went missing didn't really managed to find it back but i managed to reprint all my stuff jus before the presentation=] whew!!!

Year 2009 is really a year of Peretz (breakthrough) for me=]

1:01 AM