Peretz Isaac's Blog
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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dunno y i have the sudden urge to blog??? anyway today was a very noisy day... My sis keeps screaming, my bro keeps shouting and my mum keeps nagging... was trying to concentrate on finishing my drawings and also wants to faster finish revising my theory book urgh!!!! can't stand with all the noise, don't really like Sundays.... the definition of Sunday to me is like a criminal get caught and was sentenced to jail. where the police officer keeps shouting at you and was asked to do chores and also you can't have any peace around because there is always fighting going on.....

Well at least the good news is i almost complete my drawings and i'm like halfway through my theory.... can't wait for today to end and go to school tomorrow... i wonder how am i going to spend the rest of my three weeks if i didn't get any work...

8:33 PM

Friday, November 27, 2009

Yay!!! Holidays are coming in like about a week or so..... finally free from 3D max and autocad..... gonna find work for this holiday if i'm not going for any attachment.... Doubt i'm getting the attachment cos the ppl who wanna go for the attachment are better than me and also the company is like the other end of Singapore....=[

Anyway watch 2012 with Dexter, Jazzlene and Ace yesterday great movie..... but the earth isn't destroyed it's just flooded.... love the special effects look so real... i'm like clinging onto my bag when the ark almost hit mount everest...... anyway the entire movie lasted 2hrs 45min reached home almost 1am in the morning so tired that i went straight to bed....

Okay gtg le still got a few more drawings to complete.... tue presentation and hopefully after that will be holidays......

9:44 PM

Thursday, November 19, 2009

3 paper down 2 more paper and 1 presentation to go.... crazy week need to juggle between schl and my commitment in church.... but god did bless me throughout this week.... Amen?! I studied for my presentation package theory test on Mon... Guess wat??? what i've studied came out.... =]

Tuesday went to shepherd Dexter after shepherding went back to study a bit about the regulation cos dunno why my Autocad software unable to load...=[ the next day sat for my paper... i am totally not prepared for the exams.... But God is a great God.... Amen?! he show me how to draw out the drawings even though it wasn't really great but i managed to complete the drawing... after exams revised on Photoshop and went home and had my dinner and chiong for CG..... didn't really study for my Photoshop paper

Today.... I had onli 3 hrs to map in the materials, create shadows and create furniture for both floor and elevation plan(except the elevation plan i didn't really need to draw the furnitures)... I didn't really had much time cos i messed up at the start of the exams.... but i still i managed to complete both drawings and i'm very impressed with my final product...=]

I couldn't have been able to go through all this paper with such a breeze myself and i know that God is the one who is helping me throughout this entire week... Thank You God!!!=]

8:49 PM

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hey guys.... it's been a long time since i've last blog... anyway exams are round the corner and firstly i will like to wish every single one of you guys all the best for the upcoming exams....

Today went back to schl to finish up my 3D max drawings... finally i have completed the 1st and 2nd story floor plan all i need is to create a video walk through and i'm done... den i'll be focusing on Autocad and my theory....

Alrite got to stop here le... got to chiong my theory dun wanna fail my theory again.....

11:10 PM

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It has been quite some time since i last blog. Crazy week and the week to come next week my exams will officially start. Previously all the placement test and the trial test had make me so stress out guess this is how a desginer live his/her lives chiong your project work like crazy must stay back even after office hours, redo his/her project work when your boss don't like the design... woah... jus thinking of it send chills down my spine.....

Anyway i'm almost prepare for my exams... jus need to go through all the lesson when i jus started my module... i have totally forgotten all the details of the staircase uh oh... now still at schl chioning my 3D max... go home still need to finish up all my autocad annotation and also need to chiong theory.... Crazy life.....

3:19 PM

Saturday, November 7, 2009

It's has been days since i last blog.... Nowadays don't really feel like blogging my test is just next week... wanna really do my very best in doing this test... last term i didn't do really well wanna really work hard for this test if not i'm unable to go Temasek Poly..... but besides putting in hard work i also need help from teachers... but is just that my CA isn't really keen helping me.... is it cos of my marks??? or was it because you think i dun have the skills???? i'm really am trying my best to catch up with the class... (guys i'm not trying to brag here) i can really see improvement in my Autocad drawings and also my 3D max skills ain't that bad.... so why aren't you choosing me to represent the school in projects and stuff??? i know i may complain about the work load and stuff but i really want to do very well in ITE and den move to TP and finally realise what i want to be and doing the vision that god had shown me......

Anyway they always say look on the bright side of life.... well god had shown me the bright side of life when i'm on my way home from school today..... that is i have great friends in church and school... even though my school friends are a bit unreasonable at times but i still like them.... also besides having a great mentors in school (Kenneth&Arif), i also got help from my church friends we sometimes give advices and pointers on 3D max etc.... really love this CG and campus that god put me in=].....

Harvest season is round the corner... really wanna bring friends down to know this great god i know=].....

People becomes evil because there is an absence of God's love-Albert Einstein

1:30 AM

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

It's the 3rd day of November... and everything seems to be going quite smoothly Monday presentation was very successful though i think my group can do a lot better.... but it's okay i think we're going to get quite a high score.....=] today class was very quiet like the entire class got some sort of emo disease... but anyway most of the class managed to complete the drawings in time....

1st day of joining CO-OP.... nth much to do jus move arrange the bottles and snacks and that's all... the rest of the hour slacking talking to Kenneth.... talk about some class probs and help him in his personal life....after talking went for lunch saw jie wei and share to him some parts of my life and also about accountability.... den went back to class to touch up my autocad.....

7:45 PM